HR Compliance

WebHR understands the critical importance of HR compliance in today’s complex regulatory landscape. To help businesses maintain legal compliance, streamline processes, and mitigate risks, we offer a comprehensive HR Compliance Module. This module is designed to assist HR professionals in effectively managing compliance requirements, ensuring adherence to labour laws, and implementing best practices across their organizations. 

Empowering HR Compliance: WebHR's Specialized Add-On Module 

Adhering to HR compliance standards is crucial to ensure the welfare of employees and safeguard against legal ramifications. It's a cornerstone of organizational governance. WebHR recognizes the importance of this practice and offers a specialized HR Compliance Add-On Module that serves as a comprehensive toolkit for HR practitioners.  This module provides access to an array of features that are meticulously crafted to streamline compliance management. It helps organizations stay updated with evolving regulations and fosters a culture of adherence. The WebHR 'HR Compliance' Add-On Module screen displays multiple forms that employees can fill out, including I9 and W4 forms, along with other organizational governance forms. The module's central feature is the generation of compliance documents mandated by state or governmental authorities. HR professionals can easily track the submission of these documents, ensuring a seamless onboarding process for employees.  In essence, WebHR's Compliance Add-On Module is a proactive approach to compliance management that enables organizations to mitigate risks, uphold legal obligations, and fortify their reputation within the regulatory landscape. 

Enhanced Compliance Oversight and Document Management 

WebHR's HR Compliance Module is a powerful tool that helps organizations effectively monitor and report on compliance-related activities. This feature facilitates the administration and oversight of various compliance obligations, including employment contracts, workplace safety protocols, anti-discrimination laws, and more. With its centralized management and automated reporting capabilities, users can effortlessly generate accurate compliance reports and meet regulatory deadlines. By simplifying compliance document management, WebHR provides a centralized platform for creating, organizing, and maintaining compliance documents, ensuring consistent adherence to regulatory standards. 

Compliance Training and Employee Awareness

Building a compliant work environment starts with educating employees on regulatory requirements. WebHR's Compliance provides a platform to generate and deliver compliance documents requested by the state or government. HR professionals can track the HR compliance documents submitted by the employee during the onboarding process.

HR Compliance Module

Key Features

Centralized management of compliance policies and documents
Easily linked with onboarding section fo new joiners to have them submit Compliance related information
Insights for monitoring and managing compliance documents
Centralized management of compliance policies and documents
Easily linked with onboarding section fo new joiners to have them submit Compliance related information
Insights for monitoring and managing compliance documents