Pakistan Income Tax Calculator 2024-25

Estimate your 2024-25 income tax for Pakistan with our accurate, easy-to-use calculator. Stay compliant and informed!

Your Monthly Tax0 PKR
Your Annual Tax0 PKR
Your Net Monthly Salary0 PKR
Your Annual Salary0 PKR

To accurately calculate your income tax for the fiscal year 2024-25 in Pakistan, simply use our dedicated online tax calculator. Enter your monthly salary into the calculator, and it will automatically compute your tax liabilities based on the latest tax slabs and rates.

Simply input your salary into our user-friendly online income tax calculator to automatically compute your tax liability for 2024-25.

For the fiscal year 2024-25, Pakistan's federal government has revised the income tax rates. Individuals earning Rs100,000 or more per month will see an increase in tax rates. For annual incomes between Rs600,000 and Rs1,200,000, the tax rate has risen from 2.5% to 5%.

For incomes exceeding Rs 100,000 but less than Rs 200,000 per month, the tax is calculated as PKR 15,000 plus 12.5% of the amount over Rs 1,200,000.

The general sales tax (GST) rate in Pakistan will remain at 18% starting from July 1, 2024, applicable to most goods and services.

For the fiscal year 2024-25, incomes up to Rs600,000 are not taxed. For incomes exceeding Rs600,000 but below Rs1,200,000, the tax rate is 2.5% on the amount over Rs600,000.

Pakistan enforces a minimum tax rate of 1.25% on turnover. Additionally, companies may be subject to an Alternate Corporate Tax (ACT), which is the higher of 17% on accounting income or the calculated corporate tax including the minimum tax on turnover.