Employee Orientation

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Employee Orientation

What is Employee Orientation?

Employee orientation is about the familiarization of the recruits in the company. That familiarization consists of the rules, regulations, laws, policies, practices in vogue, ethics, standards, team building, organizational mission and vision, and policies’ revision from time to time.

Employee orientation refers to introducing newly hired employee to the Organization introducing the organization to new hires letting them know the company rules, regulations, and organizational culture, and making them comfortable in a new environment. It is the process of introducing organization and working.

Employee orientation is the process of introducing, but different at different organizations as per need of the time that is it may be done within a few days and maybe longer to months depending not only on the size and number of employees organizations have but the very nature of the business an organization operates in and its correlating organizational environments.

The mission and vision behind such an orientation meeting is a trial of the creation of valuable human resources, the most inimitable resource of any concern, which might prove to be an asset for the organization’s mission and vision completion. It is also done with a career enhancement cornerstone in favor of employees as well as to align the HR mission and vision with the organizational mission and vision.

Moreover, along with orientation programs at the start of the jobs, the HR Department is there in action time and again whereby employees are trained for their existing jobs to run the show; and are developed through development programs by HR Development designs to cope with the future assigned challenges and tasks in turbulent times and difficult environments.

What is new employee orientation?

New Employee Orientation (NEO) is an essential part of employee onboarding, which introduces a company to the employee and vice-versa. Your new employee is introduced to and is oriented to the existing workforce, organizational culture, working environment, company policies, number of working hours in practice, departmental functions, meeting new colleagues, and getting a reply to any possible query new hires to have in mind in terms of the new employer and a total or semi novel environment, depending upon the previous working experiences.

NEO is the best possible start for a new hire to gear up the job to convert from a new hire to an employee and is in favor of both the employee as well as the employer. New Employee Orientation program is the way to integrate the hire-shire into your company culture and inculcate within their organizational core values hence enhancing the internal strategy of your company.

Why is employee orientation important?

Employee orientation is essential for several reasons. Primarily, it engages new hires, signaling their importance to the organization and fostering a professional relationship between employer and employee. This process introduces the organization's mission and vision, core values, and internal processes, ensuring clear communication channels and expectations. Additionally, it accelerates the integration of new employees into the company culture through active participation and two-way communication.

The orientation reduces anxiety associated with new environments and enhances the socialization process, uncovering organizational expectations and detailing new employee responsibilities. Essential paperwork, such as I-9 or W-4 forms, is completed, benefits plans are explained, and employees are briefed on health benefits and safety protocols. The orientation also includes a guided tour of the workplace, introductions to key organizational contacts, and the distribution of critical materials like safety equipment and procedural guides. By detailing job descriptions and terms of reference, employee orientation sets the stage for successful integration and long-term engagement.

What Employee Orientations must have?

Make a good first impression

The first impression is the last therefore make your orientation impression a good one. When your new hires are on your office floor, let them be at ease. It is not only about giving away forms and handouts consisting of important info and keeping them engaged but at the same time, it is about making your company’s impression as lasting on their minds.

It is advised to arrange a good lunch and tea breaks for the new hires whereby they will have time to introduce themselves to company people as well as each other.

Simplification of the info            

Keep the orientation information as simple as possible. Some sources write and believe that instead of showing financial flowcharts mentioning therein organizational efforts or benefits are not mandatory, but here it is pertinent to note that it is all based upon the business you are running in. If the show warrants so, give it a go! And if the case is not like this, then be a bit patient in financial info sharing, etc., as this is not the right time and is just a start for newcomers.

Also, keeping info sharing simple like telling new hires about the procedural code of conduct as a matter of routine practice having important points in mind, and giving them time to read material afterward when they are on their jobs, is a better idea though.

Make new employees conversant

Make your new hires conversant and familiar with the 4Ps – people, policies, procedures; and places around to coordinate having their routine interaction with for smooth working of their own. Nearby restaurants, employer glossary, routes to familiar buildings near the workplace, importantly busses and train stations nearest points availability, HR persons, IT people, Maps of the workplace, elevator or escalator lifts operations, fork lifting – if needed for technical or materials handling jobs, PPEs, etc. should be made acquainted with the new employees in orientation programs.

Effective and Efficient way to greet new employees

Make your HR conversant to have prior know-how about the new hires so that on the day of orientation your spokesperson already knows the new employees to greet them warmly as well as let them know we are an effective and efficient concern.

Keeping the aforementioned points in mind is necessary for a must-have policy for effective employee orientation, but disseminate the mentioned below for a readout and keep them for emergencies as a ready reference by your new hires:

  • Company Policy on medical benefits
  • Organizational regulations on employee leaves
  • Outline procedural code of conduct
  • Dress code, if any
  • Safety regulations
  • Regulatory requirements - like licensing, etc.
  • Training material
  • Hazard areas info
  • PPEs intro document
  • Retiring benefits sheet showing optional and mandatory plans therein
  • Refrigeration area for food storage
  • Company Canteen info
  • Departmental map
  • Workplace map
  • Relevant documents
  • Important contact lists

Onboarding Vs. new employee orientation (NEO)

It is, sometimes, confusion between new employee orientation and onboarding. Although, the former is part of the latter.

Onboarding starts right from the job offer signed by a to-be employee, and right after signing becomes part of the organization. On the other hand, new employee orientation (NEO) is the day one – and till the orientation program undergoes - of a new hire in the office or at the workplace whereby an intro session takes place about the company, company history, policies, procedures, rules, regulations, practices, benefits, etc.

Hence, NEO is an essentially unavoidable part of employee onboarding. Orientation programs might take days, weeks, and months – on a case-to-case basis - and it is based on the size and the functional strategic pathways of the organization. Nevertheless, the NEO is part of onboarding, both having similar objectives of acquiring new hires with the organization, people, and the job itself.

What are the Benefits of Employee Orientation Processes?  

There are numerous benefits of employee orientation processes. Of those the top are:

  • You make your new hires feel they are an important part of your organization
  • By sharing your values with new hires, they get excited to be your colleagues
  • Whatever you sow good you will reap better
  • Positive onboarding and NEO experiences halve the chances of employee turnover switching
  • Employee orientation processes are like the heart-beats of the Onboarding process

Moreover, Employee Orientation Processes (EOPs) have benefits for both the employee as well as the employer. The below mentioned are the benefits of Employee Orientation Processes for the Employee:

The Benefits of Employee Orientation Processes for the Employee

  1. New hires feel a comfortable impression right from the beginning and this carries on till their tenure with the employer
  2. This gives the new hires a better understanding of what the employer is expecting out of them what new hires have to do and in what direction
  3. New hires come to know through these programs how they can benefit their selves as well we the organization
  4. Anxiety fears and pressures are reduced as the socialization process is enhanced through employee orientation - the strategic level never remains like a ghost
  5. Any ideas or creativity can be generated by the new hires, as this gives them a platform to communicate with the organizational people
  6. Gives a better understanding of the rules, regulations, policies, and practices, and therefore consequently employees may improve their performance and get paid accordingly
  7. It brings a win-win situation into vogue

The below mentioned are the benefits of Employee Orientation Processes for the Employer:

The benefits of Employee Orientation Processes for the Employer

  1. Employers get better-performing employees
  2. It possibly reduces HR turnover, hence retention improvisation may take place
  3. It gives clear instructions on company policies, hence reducing the time for managers to dictate and let new hires know everything separately
  4. Employee engagement boosts up
  5. Employer gets better productivity levels
  6. Revision of employee handbook and convert that into contextual reality
  7. You will get a happier as well as satisfied workforce
  8. Hence your chances for a better talent hunt improves
  9. You will have a well-informed workforce
  10. It brings a win-win situation

What should be the Employee Orientation Checklist?

Following are the key areas, along with whatever is feasible for you and actionable, for the orientation checklist for new employees. However, here there are five segments to discuss:

Day One

Week One

Following Weeks

Concluding or Last Week

The Last day of the Orientation Program

Now, let us discuss these five segments in detail:

1. Day One

Day one on the official floor is an anxiety day and full of fears for new hires. Therefore, make them comfortable with smiling faces and welcome having the below-mentioned programs as your orientation checklist:


  • Have a Cup of Tea or Coffee with some Cake or Cookies on the table
  • Introduce the agenda for the day
  • Introduction to office people, teams, and the new hires to each other
  • Organizational mission, vision, history, and present position
  • 90-day plan discussion
  • Weekly and monthly pay structures
  • Events calendar and holidays calendar sharing
  • Employee resource folder access
  • Office floor tour
  • Any other as per your requirements

Practical Considerations:

  • Passwords of Internet WiFi be given to everyone
  • Wage Tax forms be distributed
  • Information submission for payroll, if requisite
  • Passports, work permits, tax deduction – whatever is applicable, be scanned
  • Picture for profiling be taken
  • Any other as per your requirement

Training Part:

  • Sign in for attendance
  • Signature upload in software
  • Communication software learning
  • Job-specific software access and know-how
  • Any other as per your requirement

2. Week One

Week One consists of team building and this is the next step in the socialization process amidst Employee Orientation.

  • Team up the new hires
  • Individuals sit with colleagues with similar job duties
  • Group Discussion – exchanging ideas – this helps HR to know the inner side of the new workforce just joined your concern
  • One-on-one meetings with your immediate bosses – line managers meet ups with individuals as well as teams
  • Recap of day one and week one, along with next meetings plan in hand – like 30, 60, or even 90 days plan or else, as suitable to you 

3. Following Weeks

The following weeks starting from the second onwards and until the finishing point of the orientation program planned so far, weeks may be as many as required as per your feasibility work analytics and metrics of the performance expectations, the program is of giving the new hires the very basic knowledge about their job responsibilities to do when they are on the job.

Not only the aforementioned, but along with the regulatory requirements are also given a briefing about new hires with general admin rules, leave rules, transportation regulations, medical facilitation rules, retiring benefits orientation, Utilities, and travel rules, licensing requirements, renewals of passports and official documentation, etc. are also part of the week two onwards, in orientation programs.

As an employer, you must make sure what requires you is the best policy for you to conduct for your new hires to be profitable professionals for your hiring decision to be proven a good one.

4. Concluding or Last Week

Concluding or the last week of the employee orientation programs needs certain examinations and tests of the new hires in terms of the taught, to recall the memory serving right – what employee has learned shall be applied knowledge on the job.

This is not like the initial screening tests etc. so everyone needs to pass that certainly, it is there for just a reminder of a few things again.

Employers should make such examination tests in the form of case studies or real case scenarios from the office should be dealt with to find out the very understanding of the new employees about the governing rules for certain cases. This is commonly done in HR jobs and Admin roles because they are the people who have to be conversant with local as well as international law regarding employment affairs of your organization’s operations accordingly.

5. The Last day of the Orientation Program

Here you go! The last day of the orientation program should be having a certification of completion ceremonial day. Like day one, this is the last and lasting day having a group photo of the new hires with the high-ups in the same line alongside line managers and staff to make the day memorable for the rest of their lives.

New hires are often given batch numbers of their training to remember for the career path time. Then again, this depends on your organizational activities the company culture, and the scope of operations. Like in public sector organizations such ceremonies are usual, whereas private sectors are missing those save a few professional concerns worldwide, as have been witnessed as a matter of pathetic fact.

How New Employees should be prepared to attend the orientation program?

New Employees should get prepared to attend orientation programs by first of all reading carefully whatever is written in the invitation letter therein. And, then get prepared for having with themselves:

  • Come to the orientation program mentally ready and prepared
  • Following instructions strictly – be compliant
  • Read a bit about the organization in advance
  • Bring in the required documents
  • Be on time

We at WebHR, suggest employees follow the aforementioned guidelines along with being on time and in tidy professional attire (dressed up professionally). Do not miss both parts of your orientation program. The first part is essential for your knowledge about the organizational history, policies, and procedures which are general but mandatory to know.

The second part is your job-specific portion with your line manager, senior or supervising team members, never miss that too, as this blend would give you the essential required basic knowledge to be able to perform your tasks as per job responsibilities professionally and become a shining employee as quickly as possible.

What are the orientation best practices for Employers?

Although many may be best practices for employee orientation program, a few are mentioned below by our WebHR experts:

  1. Insert realistic info in orientation programs and keep it simple
  2. Your plan should be the provision of support and training instead of ruling by regulations
  3. Share your organizational design and culture – this will help with adoption and socialization
  4. Be well prepared for questions and concerns and deal with those amicably
  5. Include games, activities, etc. to run the show
  6. Explain the software you use usually
  7. Consistency should be there in such programs
  8. Make and utilize your checklists for orientations
  9. Spend time with your new hires to know them and let them know you and your working
  10. Review and rectify    
  11. Be assured, that orientation programs are pathways toward your long-term goals completion in terms of performance

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