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What is an Employee?

An employee is a person who has been recruited by a company to perform a particular job against compensation. The employer hires the candidate after the recruitment process which determines that the candidate is suitable for a certain position. This decision is made after the employer decides on what the candidate is the most eligible for, among others, to perform the job for which the recruitment is held. The employer in a small firm, and HR in a larger company, handle and monitor the employee(s) in terms of what and how the tasks should be carried out.

Why is employee experience (EX) important?

Employee experience is crucial for any organization. Following are some key reasons to highlight the importance of employee experience in any organization:

Attract Top Talent

Employee experience attracts top talent by investing in people in organizations starting from the first interview to the last (exit) interview. It helps build an employer brand and a strong culture. If an organization goes through good enough employee experience, it will be more appealing to prosperous job candidates, ultimately enhancing the employer brand.

Reduce Employee turnover

Employee turnover has always remained a costly concern for employers globally. Organizations may minimize this by hands-on employee experience. If employees in an organization are happy, the customers will have a good experience because it is the employees who provide the customer experience. If employees are satisfied, the customers will also have positive experiences improving customer satisfaction. To retain employees, the organization must improve the experience of employees. This explains that satisfied staff will generally stay with their employer but those who are not satisfied will be looking to be employed elsewhere. Employee retention is a matter of vital concern for most of the businesses.

Employee engagement

If an organization wants to succeed, it surely needs employees who can give their best performance and deliver their best. If organizations successfully provide their employees with good experiences, the employees will be highly engaged. Employee engagement provides more productivity, loyalty, and motivation to give the best out of workers which helps organizations be profitable and innovative.

Employee retention

The more the employees are happy and face good experiences at the workplace, the more often they stay for longer periods. This helps organizations to lessen HR turnover.

Employees may go the extra mile

Employees will work more than expected and they will exceed expectations when they are empowered and appreciated.

What are the most valuable strengths of employees today?

The following are considered the most valuable strengths of employees in today’s times:

Goal orientation

Today, employees need to prioritize professional development goals. It not only gives a message that an employee is interested in doing well for the organization but is ready to face the challenges. This portrays the employee as dedicated to self-improvement, which ends up favoring the team in general. Employers are encouraged to provide opportunities for individual learning objectives, it encourages a culture of development and learning among the employees and across the organization.

Team orientation

Employers encourage teamwork, hence in most of the job adverts, the team players are encouraged to submit their candidature. Team orientation is considered a group of people working to accomplish a common goal aligned with the organizational challenges to meet and the success points to reach.


Among other vital employee-organizational values, workers’ trustworthiness is pivotal of all. Today, relationship management is not only between the business and customers but also employer-employee relationship building while the organization becomes a customer for workers where they sell the services creating a win-win situation.

It takes years to build trust and a moment to break the same. Hence, trustworthiness is an important value that must be prioritized by employers while recruiting newcomers for a positive employee experience.

One way of knowing to-be workers' trustworthiness is by contacting previous employers or study and social friend circles (including social media platforms) of the applicant including referees. Other ways are filling out abstract concepts research questionnaires, whereby employers possibly reach a certain trustworthiness point scale.


Resilience is important in life generally and critical at work particularly. If employees are resilient, they will find ways to learn from mistakes. Resilient workers become able to move through challenges and convert problems into opportunities. Employees who can handle workplace stress and pressure, help to improve the organizational environment.


Confidence provides employees with a boost which helps them experiment, innovate, and lead initiatives. If employees are confident, they are more trustworthy with the tasks administration and relationship management due to their openness.


Patience is achieved through life experiences and age. Equanimity in vicissitude – facing situations with smoothness and calmness - not only helps personality development and creates a self-ease, but paves a way causing ease for others in the organization.


An optimistic worker pulls out opportunities from within problems. On the other hand, a pessimistic employee looks forward to problems in prospects. Optimism helps organizations for positive employee experience resulting in improvement, moral enhancement, increased motivation, and rectifying the wrong-done on any part. There, success and failures are not individualistic but collective in nature.

Related: Employee Type, Hourly Employee, Salaried Employee