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Future of HR Tech - What Does 2022 Look Like

By Anna Naveed


The business and its perceptions that were once widely acknowledged as a norm have altered, presenting us with a society that has transformed its work philosophy.

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Hybrid Workforce

The past two years have taught us that, the business and its perceptions that were once widely acknowledged as a norm have altered, presenting us with a society that has transformed its work philosophy. We might blame the pandemic for hastening the process, but the change has been anticipated way before that. With new variants emerging we might be looking into working remotely for a long time to come and even if the businesses force the labor to be present in person, we will be looking at a very Hybrid workforce. It is not even a choice anymore, we have seen labor unions and a couple of lawsuits, where employees are voicing their concerns about the lack of responsiveness shown toward them. It is a thorny situation and the only thing that brings any sense into it is a system that recognizes it. That system must be articulated by bringing forth very vibrant and robust policies, that let employees feel connected and be a part of an ecosystem, that promotes their intellectual and physical welfare while sanctioning them to work remotely.

Skill Enrichment

With the ever-changing workplace scenario, we must fathom the demand for workers that are competent, in not just their field but are also armed with state-of-the-art tools. We need our industries to be forward-thinking and progressive, to be able to accept the revolution in workplace and work ethics. The transformation must be introduced in the most humane way conceivable so that the employees do not feel left out but rather become a fundamental part of it. We must grasp the mechanics of the workplace shift towards automation and an ever-present need to upgrade to sophisticated systems that provide those lacking tools. The prerequisite is to upgrade and stay at the same pace with evolving tech modernization.

Employee physical and mental wellbeing

All of us know, how complicated and heart-rending it is to lose people you love and yet keep struggling to survive. These past two years have tested the resilience of human existence and it looks as if human beings are created to withstand such disasters. As gloomy as it seems, we seem to have adjusted and evolved correspondingly. Having said that, it is very critical to distinguish and comprehend the wishes of employees now. Their behavior, mental status, and physical comfort are going to unswervingly affect their work lives and performance, the leadership must implement such values in their organizations, that are truly demonstrative of an empathetic and compassion-filled atmosphere. Surveys and facial recognition monitoring can judge the morale of the teams at work, and we need to have systems and counselors in place to guide them. Provide them provisions, to go for sessions that let them exchange their point of view and have a say about their feelings. A constant gauge that measures and records their moods and performance charts, could then be compared and analyzed for data that helps formulate strategies to change the factors that are worrisome or stunt the growth of the employees. We need to bring a fusion of AI and human-centric practice, that helps us with improving the quality of their work lives.

Employees need to be valued and validated

I have always felt that employees need recognition and rewards way more than just pay. The big resignation seen recently teaches us something that we have been overlooking for a long time. The structure and apparatuses, that “value” an employee. The organization structure preserves the integrity of our workers and respects their input. We cannot treat our workforce like mindless, senseless, robotic creatures that work day in and day out to bring prosperity to us. They are the reasons, the tech giants and Billionaires claim to be successful, they are the very steps all wealthy industries and industrials climb, to get where they are. Our responsibility does not wind at coaching them (our workforce) to be prolific, we need to piece together our share of the work too. We need to value their struggle and make provisions for them to prosper, helping them become the leaders we want them to be. We want people to be the best version of themselves, hence we need to take into account their vision and see through their eyes, listen, and acknowledge their say.

DEI – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The time has come when we start to appreciate the marginalized and under-represented factions of the society. It is the truth that different races, religions, genders, people with different sexual orientations, and political perspectives co-exist and we can’t prefer one faction over the other. If we must stand out as ambassadors of a truly broad-minded nation that respects people, no matter what their religious, sexual, and political positioning is, we need to reckon the diversification of the workforce and that employees are equal in our eyes. Businesses need to know that having a variety of philosophies and people of diverse ideologies can bring a renewed outlook to our workplaces and shape healthier teams. There might be a divide in the socio-economic statuses in the society, now more than ever and we need to rise above that and not judge people over that and only contemplate, how proficient they are at their professions. Our leaders have to be equitable and inclusive with their policies, they need to broaden the horizons and avoid being partial, the fair chance must be given by removing all biases, to let people who work for us take part in the decision-making process. To formulate work clans that perform well by being involved at every step of the organization’s development and success.

Contributing towards innovation while working in the hybrid work environment

The time is ripe for the industrial revolution in every sector, especially the HR tech space. It has been felt and verbalized in our research process by talking to scores of customers, who want nothing but hefty and lengthy procedures that take up an enormous amount of time to be done, just “automated”

The innovation is imminent, top tier leadership realizes that it is high time for the sake of the GIG economy and workforce to familiarize systems, that can accomplish the futuristic obligations of the businesses. Companies like WebHR are constantly modernizing at the speed of light to provide just that. They identify the problems and have unique solutions catered to unique environments that are present today, like remote teams needing connectivity, and top tier needs more than just analytical reports to make decisions, they know that the pandemic has heightened the need for virtual offices to keep meeting and AI to make hiring trends easier to predict. At WebHR we know that facial recognition and mood predictors, along with constant COVID-related surveys and kiosks as the employees enter the building, are an essential step to safeguard the health of all the employees. Establishments like ours have established a whole mechanism to keep the employees updated about their health and keep them connected through social HR features that make them feel like a big family at work. WebHR is the first social HR platform, that knows how to tackle this requirement from all industries and has all the innovative practices in place, it helps companies to have it all in one place from hire to retire and beyond.

Responsiveness-centered and cooperative work environment

The amplified rate at which employees switch jobs and quit them these days is all part of the great resignation. We are at a turning moment in the history of labor shifts, where workplace satisfaction has become way more essential than simple perks and salaries that used to entice them. This is a whole new game; front-runner companies and businesses have understood that the only thing that can rescue our businesses from the “Great Resignation” is a cooperative and approachable work ecosystem. The whole school of thought and consciousness that is required to understand this concept involves a very great deal of perseverance and resilience to keep providing a positive approach and to keep making a momentum that shifts the ideology of the work culture as a whole. We need to re-focus and approach this task with just one aim in mind, “how to provide an environment that promotes employee fulfillment along with a constant focus on innovation and collaboration”

"Remote workers will make up 53% of the workforce in 2022 and it is time, that we familiarize structures that provide sustenance to these kinds of teams" -

HR responsibilities will have to be amended to allocate provisions for physically absent staff. Distant inspection and assessment along with remote cross-examining, onboarding, and training will add to the challenges faced by businesses already burdened by the pandemic. In this scenario, companies like WebHR are well prepared with modern tools, to tackle it hands-on. These onboarding software and tools are likely to be implemented to undertake many of the obstacles faced by remote and hybrid employee acquisition.

The war to obtain the best available talent in the market has produced more aggressive strategies by companies with the looming fears of millions of people leaving in “The Great Resignation” due to the constant exhaustion and stress caused by the pandemic, along with not desiring to yield to an in-office work landscape. So along with just remote hiring practices, we will be needing AI to help us decide on our behalf without any biases who matches the prospective job and who doesn’t, letting us focus more on the innovation side of the business.

AI and automation

AI was earlier being used to screen resumes for the most well-matched workers but the addition of Chatbots may add to it and the process can be done swiftly by letting applicants be screened initially through questions designed by AI according to certain skill sets. The only problem with that is, the bias that AI might have which can’t be surpassed by the vigilant human touch. There has to be a fine balance between the amalgamation of the processes, involving human insight at all times.

Hyper-Automation and RPA

Hyper-automation is the model of amalgamating AI and RPA ( robotic process automation) to upturn proficiency and has already been chiefly implemented in payroll, recruiting, and all HR practices but HR administrators ought to operate all developments of HR with hyper-automation to diminish blunders in actions disposed to to humanoid miscalculation.

The managerial errands that have detained HR would be all automated in the future, permitting HR to quintessentially focus on individuals and stipulate the economic and financial gains of the business. According to the McKinsey Global Association, present technology can automate 56% of all activities performed by human resources departments.

Cybersecurity and Privacy of the Data

Lastly, with log4jshell and cybersecurity threats, all tech companies need to stay vigilant and on top of their web safety game. We need to have tools in place that safeguard, customer privacy and web security. With the latest Kronos ransomware attack, WebHR stepped up and offered all affected companies quick migration and easy setup to keep the workflow fluid. We know what a downtime in any tech business can do to their customer base and we are ready to support all affected customers to migrate towards the highly trusted HR platform and keep their payrolls rolling. The end-of-the-year pay cycles is very crucial, and any downtime can result in big losses and cause unnecessary hassle to the teams at work.

HR units are obligated to gather and accumulate very sensitive and personal information about every worker, which is an impending threat in the case of a data violation especially when HR personnel have remote jobs. Hackers are disposed to aim at remote establishments more frequently than others and in this case, HR units must ensure the safety of data at all times, or the businesses may be faced with significant losses and lawsuits, along with a considerable blow to their reputation.


Lastly, we need to understand that Metaverse is here, whether we like it or not and it is going to change the tech landscape enormously. We are also aware that there is a lot of trust issues when it comes to Facebook doing it. We have had feedback from many many of our customers, that they would rather have companies like us do it for them, people who know how important data privacy is. WebHR is leaping into the future tech at a fast pace and #MetaHR is not just a dream but a reality now. We need to understand the implications and the widespread use of this incredibly nice tool, which by the way is not just a bunch of hip-hop people showcasing their cool avatars; it is far more complicated and sophisticated than that. Sharing HR data in real time, manipulating the data, having remote teams connect worldwide, solving day-to-day HR problems, making your work clans share their dashboards and important measurable data, and a lot more than what a mind can conceive.

All these years working in the tech industry, what we have noticed is that change and innovation is hard to incorporate but no one wants to compromise their business and profitability by staying far behind. This is not the time, to stay inside the shells, companies are taking bold steps and breaking barriers, reaching out to tools and services that make them faster and better. To stay in line with their competitors in the market tools like WebHR are indispensable, they need to understand that the game plan has been upgraded and if they lose touch with a rapidly changing environment, it would certainly be counter-productive for them in the long run. Tools like these are here to change our work lives for the better, we must understand that in a world full of tech advancements, these are the ladders we must step onto to go ahead and we are certainly in a race with the time itself.